a place, devoid of chattering voices filling the air.
Her quiet empty shell lies upon the ocean floor.
Her body -- all but a skeleton.
Her youth and glory, saw partying people; the wonderful ensembles of musicians entertaining her guests; romantic couples strolling arm in arm dreaming of their faraway destinations while making plans against a backdrop of a clear, crisp, starry night. A comforting night that sadly turned towards an ultimate darkness.
A cold black void extinguishes her last light. Optimism and dreams vanishing with the perished, and perishing. No longer will she witness the sights of joyful party goers, listening to the sounds of clinking glasses of champagne, the rattle of dinner plates, the metallic clatter of cutlery amid the hum of voices filling her rooms.
She misses the sound of heels upon the dance floor, and feeling the dedicated enthusiasm of the band with their striking melodies enchanting the crowds... Sadly, she forever embraces the company who lay along side her -- the party she took with her below, including the musicians who played 'til they could no longer play with a calm that soothed.
Forever, her guests, hero musicians, and their captain, lay under an eternal night upon an ocean floor. But as she sank, she raised hope... Hope for many who made their destinations. They too have since found their resting place, but not upon the ocean floor. Nevertheless, they too have joined the ranks of those no more.
To the beautiful Titanic, your brave musicians, and your passengers.