Thursday, September 15, 2011

White Picket Fence

Oh how your garden looks so fab 
Looking like a home & garden ad 
How much time have you spent
Surrounded by a white picket fence

Waiting around for the 9:08 
Always wondering why it's late 
Time moves fast as you fall behind
Your watch is off by a decade you find

Oh dear what a crushing bore
You never looked behind before 
There's only the recording of your mind 
If only you could just rewind

What on earth have you done
But mother is proud of you my son 
Excuses excuses have you not heard
Your unseen play is so absurd

Happy family, wife and 2 kids 
Is that really all there is 
2 spare rooms mortgage paid
Bare as your future I'm afraid

Gaps wide open as a patio door
Garden furniture adorns the floor
Oh what a splendidly well-kept lawn 
Inside you suddenly feel forlorn

But you are the king of your castle
Trophy wife and a dog called rascal
Life is evaporating like a morning dew
And suddenly you ask where are you 

The question burns deep inside
A voice taunts your life is a lie
The unanswered question inside remains
Will you answer or just go insane 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I hear a distant calling 
Echoing sadly from the sea 
Forboding darkness is falling 
And starts to worry me 

I see a smart dressed stranger 
Waiting under a lonely light 
An ex-lover long estranged 
Is oblivious to my sight 

I wonder if he'll see me 
Do I want him to 
Feelings stir inside me 
As I wonder what to do 

I approach his lonely shadow 
The soft glow fades to dark 
I'm feeling I should go now 
As I doubt my change of heart 

Quietly hoping that we'll meet 
At the place we were before 
But all I see are empty seats 
I'll seek his love no more 

I wake up to an open sky 
Wilted roses 'round my head 
Did my ex-lover drop by 
While I laid asleep in bed 

Crissy Fields Fog

Monday, September 12, 2011

Breaking Free

A cool morning breeze awakens me 
An open gate catches my eye 
A galloping horse approachs me 
I'm fearless as it thunders by 

I stare in wonder at this horse 
In awe of its muscular splendor 
Strong and sure of its course 
It leaves me alone to wonder 

Who is this magnificent galloping horse 
Thats roaming around so wild 
So free of reins but right on course 
Leaves me feeling like a lost child 

Who is this mysterious galloping horse 
And what is it escaping 
What spurred this beast on its course
Does it have a destination 

A random thought startles me 
Like a sudden clap of thunder 
Is this horse what I want to be 
I look ahead and wonder 

The galloping horse now out of sight 
A mere apparition in mind 
Finally unbridled from my night 
I am that ghostly horse of mine 

No one is riding or guiding me 
Unrestrained by reins I find 
Why couldn't I just ever see 
The past was always behind

"Unrestrained by Reins" 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Play

A few more hours of this charade
As she performs her act on stage
Crowds dutifully give polite applause
The play repeats like a broken record

It never used to feel this way 
She always welcomed another day 
Emptiness awaits after each engagement 
Now she's lost to love estrangement 

She wakes up aching every morning 
Throat hardening without warning 
She breaks a smile on the outside 
A silent scream hurts deep inside 

Tears are not permitted to flow 
Forbidden love must never show 
She presents a happy smiling face 
Until she finds her secret place 

There alone she can truly be real 
And allow her feelings to reveal 
Long hidden tears offer slight relief 
From her continuous ache of grief 

Like her play she hopes its unreal 
Alas her mind is rarely still 
He is what she most desires 
His passion used to set her on fire 

She yearns for him to make her fly 
Life is passing her aimlessly by
Craving for just another mind dance 
She performs each act in a trance 

Alone with him she was truly complete 
Another's love will never replete 
So real was their love connection 
How will she move beyond his rejection 

Memories meander through endless nights
Since he abandoned their short flight
She feels their limbs entwined in her bed 
As she plays with fantasies in her head 

She replays scenes of moments gone by 
Against a backdrop of a living lie 
Will her play ever reach a conclusion 
Or are dreams a constant illusion

The Herd

A herd of cows behind the horse
Draws nearer ominously
I'm wary of these faltering beasts
They act so stupidly

Who are these mindless bovine
Slowly surrounding me
I lay afraid of their fear not mine
As they peer down curiously

Fear grows as they crowd around
I'm feeling their malevolence
I need to get up from the ground
And escape their omnipresence

I find myself pinned to a wall
My pleas for help unheard
I'm overwhelmed can't breath at all
Panicking amid this mindless herd

I turn around and see a door
And reach around to open
Why didn't I see this door before
Perhaps I should look more often


Oh how your life is so drab
19 years and so full of life
I feel your love within

And that is not your love
The young man by your side
For he will never see
Your love buried deep within

Whatever you chose
Be real and true
Because right now

You are faking it my friend ....

Friday, September 2, 2011

Code Blue

How many stories have crossed your span
One thousand 500 with a hidden plan
Drawn by your views so majestic
The deep blue Bay holds their secrets

They never saw your warning signs
But they'd already crossed that line
Their lives so easily were dispensed
Death separated by a four foot fence

Foggy days will hide your power
Yet people may spend a solitary hour
Feeling your magnificent presence
Cherishing their private moment spent

Your towers watch over our city
Abuse of your span is such a pity
Code blue for most is a pleasing view
And desperation for only a few

Ode to an Orchid

In her hand her orchid settles
Exposing stamens with open petals
His erotic charm seducing her so
A tear of sentiment softly flows

She's mesmerized by his full bloom
But knowing how they'll part soon
This intimate moment will surely pass
She's sad her orchid will not last

Petals comfort with an open gaze
His beauty continuing to amaze
Impressions will always stay in mind
How beauty follows never far behind

She leaves behind her open flower
Drawn she is by this orchids power
Open petals assure with confidence
Her orchid will always be present

She seeks her orchids resting place
Returning to only an empty space
Her heart skips a momentary beat
Until she remembers last night's treat

She hears the orchid's whisper near
Telling her how he's always here
Images are all she needs in mind
And there her orchid she will find

Ode to a Rose

The English rose in her splendor
Is looking to spread her red petals
Adoring touches soft and tender
In an admirer's hand she will settle

Her thorns are mellow 'til scorned
Her petals quietly fall and wilt
Full bloom will soon be mourned
Leaving an admirer full of guilt

She yearns for an admirer's taste
Of her early morning dew
So seduce her at a gentle pace
And her petals will widen for you

Please handle her with loving care
And she'll willingly display with pleasure
Exposing her swollem bud to share
For her admirer to love forever


The laughing clowns are everywhere
The audience just stop and stare
Their large baggy pants look ridiculous
Yet the style remains so ubiquitous

Oblivious to the never ending circus
The audience remains without purpose
They look up to their current messiah
Who just turns into another liar

These circus clowns are just too slick
The audience miss yet another trick
The clowns get by it's no surprise
When faces gaze with such blind eyes

Throwing the audience pieces of bread
How they love to be mindlessly fed
Obediently applauding for an encore
Clowns simply comply and sling some more

A silent audience and chattering box
Mouths wide open absorbing the plot
Blaming their lot on the union man
Asking the bank for a helping hand

Clowns play the audience another tune
Will the audience sing along so soon?
They'll watch and obey each circus act
Without a clue of the hidden facts

Clowns repeating the same old verse
Different tune but same old words
The audience singing in perfect time
Reciting each verse like a nursery rhyme

They gravitate towards ringing bells
And listen to warnings of impending hell
Happy to engage in mindless rituals
Oh bizarre behavior is so habitual

Watching closely the clown on stage
Hanging on to every word of praise
How can they believe in the silly hat?
And be so comforted by silly acts

Monday morning as the clock stricks nine
They'll waste an hour of company time
They'll gasp at the sight of falling stocks
And wonder why the farce won't stop